Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 1 of Being Gluten Free

So if you haven’t kept up with my Twitter you wouldn’t know that I am going to start eating gluten free for the rest of my life. I’ve always had several symptoms of having a reaction to gluten but I never paid any attention to it. Lately my symptoms have exploded enough to the point that I couldn’t ignore them anymore.

I made an appointment with a dermatologist and had a skin biopsy done which I still haven’t gotten the results back for yet. Apparently, it’s quite common to get a false negative on the testing unless you get an internal biopsy done which I am not going to put myself through. Being that I have the distinctive symptoms of Celiac disease, which are only found to be in people that actually have the disease, I am going to consider myself positive even if I get a negative result. And before anybody starts thinking I have some weird disease…. all Celiacs disease means is that my body cannot digest gluten so when I eat anything with gluten in it, my body attacks itself instead of the gluten so essentially if a Celiac continues to eat gluten, they are slowly killing themselves from the inside out.

So today is my 1st day of being gluten free. I am going to pay close attention to my body and see if my symptoms start improving and disappearing and if they do, I’ll have my positive diagnosis with or without a doctor’s help.

I have been pretty bummed out about the whole ordeal but I keep reminding myself that there are people out there that have much worse outlooks on life. If the only thing I have to do is change my diet to continue to be healthy…. well, that doesn’t seem so bad to me :)

I’m not going to lie though, it’s been a lot more challenging them I thought. I went grocery shopping today and it’s so much more time consuming and almost slightly embarrassing to have to scrutinize the packaging of everything I want to buy. To my surprise I found that there are already many foods that are gluten free. I don’t have to give up my chicken nachos (so long as I don’t eat breaded chicken, grilled only) or salads. Unfortunately I can’t have bacon bits on my salads anymore unless they don’t have wheat in them. I haven’t really looked yet but the ones I have in my fridge do contain wheat. Also no more croutons which sucks, I love those things!

I’m almost excited that I am being forced to eat healthier. I admit, I am a pretty bad eater. I love corn dogs, hot pockets, and bagel bites and I definitely can not eat those anymore. Really, I can’t eat most processed foods anymore and processed foods are the crap foods so my body actually did me a favor.

I think it just got to a point to where my body got so tired of the crap I was putting into my body that it turned hostile against me, that’s my inner bitch coming out again.

So I’m sure you are absolutely bored to death of hearing about my boring life so let’s get to the fun stuff!

I only have another 10 or so pregnancy updates left for my AmateurKristi.com members site. I can’t wait to finish posting them because I want to start posting new current stuff for my non pregnant fans. I am also excited because that was my last baby so with the finished posting of my pregnancy content I feel like I can start the new chapter of my (non pregnant) life.

I have been really devoting myself to my camwhore workings online. I am very proud of myself. I am a ginormous slacker and since January 1st I have been dedicating about 60 hours a week to all of my projects. I am slowly working my way up to more hours per week but with having kids, dogs, and a house to take care of I am spread pretty thin as it is.

I am getting into more and more fetishes. Over the past few years I have realized how much I truly enjoy experimenting with new fetishes and this is definitely going to be the focus of all of my future work. The only mainstream porn type content I will be doing from now on will pretty much all be on http://AmateurKristi.com with the rare video here and there on my Clips Store and my Shakinit site. Ofcourse guys can always buy a custom video of me doing sexy things if they wish.

My hard work is paying off because I have had a 50% increase in my overall clip sales and my camming income has went up atleast 80% over the past couple of weeks. It makes me feel great to be so productive!

Sooooo I’ve been babbling, I’ll wrap up this post now as I need to go give my bedroom a good deal cleaning. I broke one of my huge mercury bulbs last night and now I am super paranoid about mercury poisoning….eeeks!

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